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- Jenn Cowan
Facials & Fugitives (A Cozy Spa Mystery Book 4) Page 2
Facials & Fugitives (A Cozy Spa Mystery Book 4) Read online
Page 2
"Was it part of her costume?"
Travis cocks his head. "Costume?"
"Yeah. Maggie told us she was going to be something scary." I glance at Josh for confirmation.
He nods.
"I would think if it were her costume, she would have told that to the officer."
"She didn't?"
Travis shakes his head. "She's not saying anything.”
I frown then blink. “What? Why not?”
He shrugs. “No clue.”
I groan. “Don’t start with that again.”
He smirks then says, “She’s been sitting back in the interrogation room for the past two hours refusing to say a word. Her eyes fixed on the wall, and she’s not muttering so much as a peep. She did sneeze a few times, but that’s it.”
I bite my lip. “Can I talk to her?”
Travis sighs and rubs his eyes. “I’ve convinced the captain to let you talk to her, but tread lightly, Autumn. I’m going out on a limb here for you. You’re not a cop or even one of our consultants. Your track record for solving cases is the only thing allowing you access back there. Got it?”
I nod.
He studies me for a moment then stands and moves toward the door.
My heart’s racing as I practically sprint to the door. Calm down, Autumn. Don’t mess this up. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and glance at Josh. He’s giving me a weird expression. I lift an eyebrow and tilt my head at him.
He shrugs and slumps back into the chair. “I guess I’ll just wait here for you,” he mutters.
Is he pouting? Seriously? I fight the urge to roll my eyes. “I won’t be long.”
He mumbles something I can’t make out and crosses his arms.
Travis quirks an eyebrow at me.
I shake my head. When Josh gets in this kind of mood, it’s best to leave him be. Maybe he’s hungry. We missed dinner although he did have all those mini candy bars. My heels click on the tile floor as I follow Travis back to the interrogation room. The station smells of burnt coffee and Chinese take-out. Guess I know what was for dinner.
I smile at a few officers who are hurrying past me. Halloween is always a busy time for law enforcement in Daysville. Lots of kids playing pranks, some adults too. We stop in front of a closed door, and Travis pauses. “What’s wrong?”
“I just-“ he hesitates a little longer then turns to me. He studies me again like I’m some insect under a microscope then finally says, “Be careful. Maggie's mixed up in something-something bad. I don’t want you to put yourself in any unnecessary danger, OK?”
I smile and make an X over my heart. “I promise.”
He gives me a half grin then opens the door.
I step inside, not prepared for the sight in front of me. Maggie's sitting in a metal chair behind a rectangular table. Blood's dripping from her blond hair making it look like she got red highlights, only these highlights are not attractive. It’s like a scene from a horror movie. Her scrubs have spots of blood on them. Even her face, hands, and arms have blood covered. She’s staring straight ahead, unblinking. It’s kind of creepy. Maybe she’s in shock. I move to sit down in the chair across from her. “Maggie, are you OK?”
She doesn’t respond. Her blue eyes study me, but it’s like she’s looking right through me.
“Maggie, what happened?”
I reach out and touch her hand. She flinches but doesn’t say anything. I turn to Travis. “Can’t we get her cleaned up? Maybe get her in a fresh change of clothes.”
“I’ll see what I can do. We’ll need the clothes for evidence.”
“Fine. Just get something for her to change into and maybe a washcloth and soap to get this blood off.”
Travis hesitates.
I narrow my eyes at him. “Has she been processed?” I glance at her hands. Her usually neat long nails are down to the nubs. “Looks like she has. Do you need any more samples from her?
Travis frowns but doesn’t say anything.
I sigh. “Can’t you see she’s experienced something traumatic?”
He glances at Maggie and then back at me. “I’ll work on it.” He shuts the door, leaving us alone.
I turn back to Maggie. “We’ll get you cleaned up in no time.” I pat her hand.
She smiles slightly and whispers, “Thank you.”
“No problem.” I study her then ask, “Are you thirsty? Hungry?”
She shakes her head.
“Do you have a lawyer?”
“We need to get you one. My dad’s the best in town. He’s still traveling abroad, but I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to help.”
“I don’t need any help, Autumn.”
I wave a hand at her. “Of course, you do. Why on earth would you think you don’t?”
“Because I’m guilty.”
I blink and then blink again. Did Maggie say she was guilty? Is she confessing to murder? “Wh-what do you mean?”
“I’m guilty, Autumn. I killed him.”
My heart does a flip in my chest, and my stomach churns. Maggie needs to stop talking. She needs counsel. ASAP. I should stop talking. Shouldn’t say another word. Shouldn’t ask another question, but I have to know more. “Killed who?”
I rack my brain for anyone in town named Roger. Nothing comes to mind. “Who’s Roger?”
“My boyfriend.”
“I didn’t know you had a boyfriend. You told Josh you were single.”
“My ex-boyfriend.” She sighs and glances down at her hands.
“Ahh. From Florida?”
Maggie nods.
“Did he hurt you?”
She shakes her head.
I bite my lip. I really should stop asking these questions. Let Maggie get an attorney, but I can’t stop myself. “Does Roger have a last name?”
Gallahan. Why does that sound familiar? Then it hits me. “Is he related to Gil Gallahan?”
Maggie picks at her red nail polish but doesn’t say anything.
“Was Roger here visiting his cousin?” I know Gil is an only child so if Roger is related to him, then it has to be his cousin.
Maggie still doesn’t respond.
“Did Roger come here to see you? Try to get back together with you. Convince you to move back to Florida?”
She continues to stare down at the table and remains silent.
The door behind me opens, and a young brunette tech named Debbie walks in. Travis is right behind her. From the look on his face, he heard every word through the two-way mirror.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.” Debbie gives us a look which says we need to leave.
Travis motions for me to exit first.
I hurry from the room and into his office. It’s empty. “Where’s Josh?” I ask as Travis shuts the door behind us.
“He went to find something to eat. He was beginning to get hangry. I sent him over to the café to get you something too.”
My stomach growls in response, and I press a hand to it like it would stop it from making so much noise.
Travis doesn't comment and sits down at his desk. “I’ve called your father. He’s going to try and talk to the judge about setting bail for Maggie. Since she confessed to killing this Roger, who knows what'll happen.”
“Who is this guy?”
Travis clicks a couple of keys on his computer. “The guy is…was bad news."
I stiffen. “Bad news how?”
He taps a couple more keys. “He’s a suspect in four jewelry store heists. It seems he had a partner, but they were dressed in all black and wore masks.” Travis leans back in his chair and clasps his hands together behind his head. “Maggie was pawning off some rare jewelry. I’m having the police in Florida send me pictures of the stolen pieces. Maybe Maggie was his partner. Decided to keep the money for herself and off her partner.”
I scowl at him.
“Maggie’s not a killer.”
He rolls his eyes at me. “She confessed, Autumn. What more do you want?”
“A body for one. Where's Roger?”
Travis leans forward and clasps his hands on the desk in front of him. “I have a team out scouring the corn fields where Maggie was pulled over. Another team is waiting for the search warrant to come through so we can search her apartment. We’ll find him.”
I purse my lips and cross my arms. “I don’t think Maggie killed him.”
“Come on, Autumn. She looked you right in the eye and told you she did. You have to face the fact that not everyone is innocent.”
I scoff. “I know that, but Maggie is. She didn’t do this, and I’m going to prove it.”
“Just like you’re going to prove she didn’t steal the money from the spa. You forgot to ask her about that.” He raps his knuckles on the desk and sits back in his chair.
I glare at him, looking so smug over there, and thinking he’s wrapped up the case. Well, it’s not over yet. Maggie may be mixed up in something, but she’s not a killer.
The door opens and Josh waltzes in with a few containers in his hand. He looks back and forth between Travis’s laidback demeanor and my rigid one. “What happened?”
“Maggie confessed to killing her ex-boyfriend,” Travis informs him then takes a container from Josh.
Josh almost drops the remaining food containers.
I grab them before they slip from his hands. “She didn’t kill him.”
Travis snorts and rolls his eyes.
I shoot him what I hope is a death glare. “Goodnight, Travis.”
“Ah, come on, Autumn. Don’t be like that. Not every case is complex. You did what we couldn't. You got her to confess. Sometimes good people snap. It happens. Nothing to get your sleuthing feathers all ruffled up about.”
Now, he’s just making fun of me. “If you don’t need any more of MY help, Detective, I’m going home.”
He opens his mouth like he’s going to say something then decides against it and closes it. “Good night, Autumn.” Then he nods at Josh, who appears to be in a state of shock.
I nudge him. “Let’s go.”
Josh snaps out of his trance and trails after me down the hall. “Did Maggie really kill her ex-boyfriend?”
“No. I told you. She didn’t do it.” I push open the door to the waiting room and notice it’s less crowded. I yawn and move toward the exit, lowering my voice. “Maggie’s not a killer.” At least, I hope not.
I pace the spa, waiting for my dad to call me back. There’s still no word on bail for Maggie, and it’s Saturday afternoon.
Josh is finishing up with a client before we close for the day.
I had to cancel Maggie’s clients until further notice. Luckily, my day was light, so most of them just switched to a massage. I also gave them a complementary face mask since they weren’t getting their full facial.
The bell above the door rings and the last person I expected to ever see in the spa comes waltzing in the door.
Gil Gallahan.
Instantly, I’m back in sixth grade. That's when I had a crush on this…this…ugh. My brain can’t even think of the right word to describe this guy. He’s gorgeous, like Calvin Klein model material. Blond hair, blue eyes, muscles for miles and a smile that could make any girl melt into a puddle on the floor. He’s wearing a tight gray t-shirt and jeans with brown work boots. My stomach begins to churn just looking at him. I blink to make sure I’m not daydreaming. Nope. He’s still there, and he’s coming toward the counter. His mouth is moving, but I have no idea what he’s saying from the all the blood rushing to my head. All I can think about is how hard I crushed on him for most of the sixth grade, and then he crushed me with seven little words. You’re just not pretty enough for me. What sixth grader, or decent human being, say's something like that? I shake the memory and tinge of hurt from my mind because he’s staring at me with a strange expression on his face. “Sorry. What?”
He grins and asks, “How ya been, Autumn?”
My face flushes, and for the life of me, I have no clue why. I hate this guy. This guy made me doubt myself for years. I always felt like I could never measure up to anyone and here he is standing in front of me, and I’m blushing like a silly school girl. Ugh. I clear my throat and straighten my spine. “I’m well. Thank you. How are you?”
Gil leans on the counter, and his expensive cologne fills the space between us. It’s spicy with a hint of musk. “You’re looking well.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.
This time, I fight the urge to throw up instead of blush. Finally, my body and mind are working together. We despise this guy. I give him a closed-lip smile. “Is there something I can help you with?”
He opens his mouth to respond when a brisk wind blows open the spa door, and colorful autumn leaves swirl around in a tiny tornado before making a perfectly straight trail leading into the spa.
A curvy woman with waist length flowing black hair sashays inside, practically floating over the leaves. At least, I think she’s floating. Her dark green floor-length dress with gold threading making various symbols all over it is covering her feet, so maybe it just looks like she’s floating. She stops just in front of the desk, her bracelets jingling together as she rests her hands on the counter. Each finger houses a different ring with crystals or gemstones and her nails are painted the same shade of red as her lips. She stares at me with familiar bright blue eyes and instantly, I know she’s related to Maggie. “You must be Autumn.” She reaches for my hand and closes her eyes when I place it in hers. “You’re conflicted. Your heart is divided between two men. One you’ve loved since you were a child and are afraid to move forward with romantically for fear of losing him. The other…since high school. He broke your heart. You’re not sure you can forgive him. Trust him.” She sighs and opens her eyes. “You will.”
My jaw drops and blood rushes to my face. “H-How? What? Are you sure?”
She smiles. “I’m never wrong. You'll love this man again.”
Someone clears their throat behind me, and I turn to find Josh standing by the filing cabinet with a dark expression on his face. I open my mouth to say something although I’m not sure what. Before I can say anything, this woman, whoever she is, is waltzing over to him and extending her hand.
“Josh. I’ve been so eager to meet you.”
He raises an eyebrow and puts his hand in hers slowly. “You have? How do you know who I am?”
“Maggie, of course.”
She smiles and clasps his hand. “She’s my sister. I’m Hailey Marshall.” She closes her eyes again then frowns. “You’re troubled too. Looking to settle down. Start a family, but the woman you love isn’t ready. You’re not sure she’ll ever be ready or if she’ll ever see you as more than a friend. Best friend. You’re wondering if you should move on.” She opens her eyes and stares at him for a long time. Her lips are moving slowly, but I can't make out what she's saying.
Josh is staring at her as if he’s in a trance. His blue eyes appear locked on hers, and he doesn’t even move when his client, Amber, walks into the waiting room.
Amber looks back and forth between Josh and Hailey then her brown eyes grow wide. “She’s casting a spell on him.” Amber backs away slowly. Her baggy pants catch on the coffee table, and she nearly falls into Gil. She recovers quickly then tosses some cash on the counter and bolts out the door.
I blink and stare after her.
Gil smirks. “Amber's afraid of any type of voodoo magic. Remember in middle school when we had that Halloween dance and the school had a lady reading Tarot cards?”
I bite my lip and rack my brain, but come up with nothing. “No.”
“Amber had hers read. She got the death card. She turned pale then threw up in the bathroom before calling her mother to come and get her. Ever since then she’s been terrified of any witch
y magical stuff.” He gestures to Hailey, who has released Josh’s hand and is narrowing her eyes at him.
“You must be Gil.”
He holds up his hands in retreat. “I don’t believe in magic, so back off.”
Hailey snorts and mutters something under her breath.
“Maggie probably told you all that stuff about these two.” He glances back and forth between Josh and me. “It’s no secret. You could have asked around and even found out about these two. Everyone in town has bets on when Autumn will go out with this poor guy.” His eyes land on Josh. “Really man, you should move on. Autumn is never going to give you a chance.”
My temper flares and I fist my hands at my sides. “I think it’s time for you to leave, Mr. Gallahan.”
Gil’s jaw drops open. “I’m just kidding, Autumn. You've always been so serious.”
Blood rushes to my head, and I’m practically shaking with rage. “No one talks to me like that, and they certainly don’t talk about my relationship with Josh as if it means nothing. It’s none of their business what we do or don’t do. I don’t care if this is Daysville. It’s our life, and we decide what we do with it. Period.” Did I say this out loud because everyone is staring at me like I spewed vomit all over the room? Shoot. I guess I did.
“Well, I’ll be. Autumn Fisher has some fire in her after all. Forget what I said Josh, hold out for this one. With all that spunk, she’ll be-“ Gil doesn’t get to finish his sentence because Josh crosses the room and slams his fist into his face. Blood spews from Gil's nose, and his eyes go wide. His hand flies to his nose and tears are brimming his eyes. “Why’d you do that? I was only kidding,” Gil's voice is muffled since his hand over it.
“Apologize to Miss Fisher then get out.” Josh points to the door.
Gil mumbles an apology then hightails it out the door.
The bell's chime echoes his exit then silence fills the spa.
After a few moments, Hailey claps her hands making both Josh and I jump. “That was incredible,” she gushes then takes Josh's hand. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”